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  • Katie

Wednesday Update

We can't believe we only have one more full day left in Minneapolis! Today was another good day at work sites. Teresa and Roman accompanied the first graders on a field trip to a local pool. The kids loved that Roman was willing to get in the water with them! Braden was doing more yard work and tree trimming today, along with dealing with a bunch of Creeping Charlie. It sounds like the group may be finding some indoor tasks tomorrow if the forecast is right and we get rain, which might we welcome after a hot day outside. Becca had a quieter day at the nursing home, playing Bingo with the residents. Their group is excited for a concert with the residents tomorrow. My group served another big lunch at House of Charity, as well as helping to unpack a big shipment of food they received today.

The focus of our chapel time today was forgiveness. We talked about how God is always ready to forgive us, regardless of what our sins may be. As we've been doing throughout the week, we used David's life to help illustrate this. We also wrote a sin or something we've been struggling with on a piece of paper and watched it dissolve in water, symbolizing our sin being washed away. It was interesting to compare the non-denominational understanding of forgiveness that was presented to the whole group with a Catholic understanding of forgiveness through Confession. It's been great to see the kids more willing to share during our church group times as the week has gone on...I'm excited to see what insights they have to share tomorrow!

Looking forward to one more great day of service tomorrow, then back to Rochester soon!


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