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  • Katie

Monday Night Update

Hello again from Golden Valley!

Today was a great first day at our work sites. Roman and Teresa kept busy at Hospitality House-Roman spent the day with first graders, playing with them and helping out with some summer school lessons, while Teresa helped the office staff with some data entry. Becca toured the nursing home she's at for the week, helped weed a garden at the facility, and spent some time watching a movie with the residents. Braden was at three different houses helping out with yard work, mostly weeding and trimming bushes. He enjoyed being outside on a nice day...not too hot yet! I kept busy serving lunch for residents and community members at House of Charity, as well as cleaning and preparing food for their evening meal.

We've also been enjoying our Group programming in the mornings and evenings. Our camp theme is "relentless" and we've been seeing how this applies to King David and to our own lives. We talked today about how God has a plan for each of us and keeps relentlessly calling us, regardless of our answer in a given moment.

The kids are very excited for our free evening and trip to Mall of America tomorrow. I'll do my best to send another update tomorrow, but we'll see when we get back from the Mall! Thanks again for all of your prayers...the kids were very excited to pray for their pets at home this evening, and even agreed to pray for their families at home as well!


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